“Several years ago, a client had asked us to survey the boundaries of a vacant lot which he was planning to build upon. When we surveyed the boundaries, we discovered almost 4 feet of the neighbor’s living room was located on our client’s lot. When we delved further into is [sic] problem to try to determine how it happened, we discovered that the rear dimension of the adjoining lot was 60 feet in width. The lots that adjoin this lot on the rear were also 60 feet in width, but offset from the corners of our lot by 30 feet. Based on the location of the encroachment and the occupation, it become clear that the builder found the monumentation for the adjoining rear lot, measured between the monuments, and assumed that they were the corners for the lot he was building on…not realizing he was offset 30 feet from the correct corners. Fortunately, due to calm heads and professional advice, we were able to rectify the situation by figuring out how the owners could “swap” pieces with each other that cleared the encroachment, gave enough room for our client to build on the vacant lot, and allowed each owner to convey and receive strips of land of equal area, resulting in the same net area as each had started with.”
– Jeffrey P., Professional Land Surveyor